Delete/symlink /root/.spamassassin .razor .pyzor?

Started by Guest, July 20, 2004, 09:51:44 PM

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Hi there,

I have a machine with a 128MB / partition. It tends to fill up and, although it doesn't bring things to a halt it does throw some errors.

I'd like to symlink the .spamassassin .razor and .pyzor dirs in /root to somewhere in /usr and I suspect I can just stop services set up the links and start services and all will be well.

The question is (being a bit of a noob) is this a viable plan or are there any pitfalls?

Alternatively can I just set up a cronjob to delete the contents of these dirs monthly/weekly on a running toaster without trouble?

Thanks for any advice,


The Right Thing[TM] to do is configure each program to store it's log files and settings elsewhere. Obviously, you now know that in the future you want your / to be more than 128MB. Smile


Yes indeed. Learned that one the hard way on a dedicated server I started to use without confirming the slices. Stuck with it now though.

34M    ./.razor
37M    ./.spamassassin

So can those files be deleted without adverse affects? I assume that stopping the services, rm files, starting the services would be fine and it would just start adding up again until I can get around to upgrading (sa-learn!) and fixing the problem for real.

This is just in the interest of expediancy since my people will yell if it's down for more than 60 seconds. With a little warning I could probably get away with bringing the box up to 4.10 and Toaster 3.42. Right now I'd like to get it over this hump till I test that process out 40 or 50 times on a dev box Smile

Thanks Matt!