Kinda stuck with emulation

Started by scud, August 10, 2006, 04:59:34 AM

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I have reached to the point where the includes should be ...well... included at my httpd.conf file.
I am not sure about their accuracy though and I would like to clarify a couple of things.

1. Where is stated:    DocumentRoot "/home/idisk"
does it mean:   DocumentRoot "/home/idisk/html" or not?

2. The  "AuthDigestDomain "/" " line makes my httpd unable to restart. What happens if I comment it out?

3. In the Directories part of the first include file
Where is stated: <Directory "/home/idisk/mattsimerson">
does it mean: <Directory "/home/idisk/html/mattsimerson"> or not?

4. In the second include file, the one about it says:
<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/home/"
Does that mean that I must create another account and a new DNS entry or is it the same as the idisk user?
If yes, could I write it like this then:
<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/home/idisk/html"
in which case the /WebObjects/Info.woa/wa/Query directories should be under the /home/idisk/html directory?

5. In the second include file it says:
Should I replace the with my real IP address?

I have succeeded everything you described so far, now it only needs to make my Apache respond properly to the requests.


Do your does it mean question, the answer is no, no, no. They mean exactly what they say. Each time I set up an iDisk on another server I use those same instructions.

If your server does not have the authdigest module installed, then AuthDigestDomain probably won't work for you. No surprises there.


Quote from: matt on August 10, 2006, 08:37:14 AM
If your server does not have the authdigest module installed, then AuthDigestDomain probably won't work for you. No surprises there.

But it does have the authdigest module installed, that's what puzzles me. I have been using it with success in lots of occasions. I just never used the AuthDigestDomain bit.