Robots and forwards (toaster migration)

Started by ljimber, June 23, 2005, 09:30:46 AM

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I am currently migrating a toaster from one server to another.

Here are the steps I performed.

1. Built new fresh toaster on new hardware.

2. On old server:

First I dumped my database from the old box

mysql --password='XXX' -Dvpopmail -e "select \
pw_domain,pw_clear_passwd from vpopmail where pw_name = 'postmaster';" \
> domains.move

perl -pi -e 's/^/\~vpopmail\/bin\/vadddomain /' domains.move

mysql --password='XXX' -Dvpopmail -e "select \
pw_name,pw_domain,pw_clear_passwd from vpopmail where pw_name != \
'postmaster';" > users.move

perl -pi -e 's/\t/\@/' users.move
perl -pi -e 's/^/~vpopmail\/bin\/vadduser /' users.move
perl -pi -e 's/$/"/' users.move
perl -pi -e 's/\t/ "/' users.move

edit both users.move and domain.move and delete the first line

upload your move files
scp *.move to new server

on the new server
chmod u+x *.move
sh domains.move
sh users.move

*** NOTE : The above was from the toaster mailing list. Thanks for that info!

Then I rsync'd the mail and squirrelmail pref's.

Move the ~vpopmail/domains over to the new server.

1. Allow root to ssh in on the target host. (temp while the moving mail then disable this funtionality)

2. Make sure rsync is installed on both sides.

I ran these commands.

3. On the old server run -
rsync -av -e ssh ~vpopmail/domains/ root@<target>:~vpopmail/domains/


rsync -av -e ssh /usr/local/www/data/squirrelmail/pref/ root@<target>:/var/spool/squirrelmail/pref/

Direcorty's may be diff on your servers.

ok, so all is fine.. except that when I am in qmailadmin as a postmaster for a domain, the forwards and robots from the old server do not show up in the list.
Mailing lists do show fine.

Any ideas what needs to be done?

