Hi there,
does anybody else but me experience this error or has it been reported before?
When I add zones using the batch mode, the nameservers I ticked in are not taken. No nameservers are taken. I have to tick them manually.
Is there a fix for this?
I use version 2.03 of NicTool.
I don't see this.
But I don't do it with the admin-user.
I have "low-privilege" users, that can only act on specific nameservers.
It seems to work.
I have 4 nameservers and when I create a new domain with the admin-user, the first 3 are selected (no idea why, must be hardcoded somehow).
I only need the first two. So these are the ones selected for the normal users.
Can you try on the latest version?
Hi Rainer,
thank you for your help. I myself am working as a user, but have (of course) a lot of rights. So I gave it a try and tested now with some sub-privileged users who belongs to a subgroup.
I put 3 Domains in the batch field and ticked the first, third and 5th Nameservers available to this group. Result: Zones are created, but without nameservers.
Dunno if that's a version problem, haven't tried the latest version up to now. Did something change?
For reasons I haven't bothered investigating, NicTool automatically selects the first 3 nameservers available when creating news zones. That's how it always works for me. So, I create groups in which only the nameservers for that group are available. Then I log in as a user in that group/realm and create my zones. Nothing about that has changed in my recollection. Changes are all documented here: