I currently have this code...
my $nt_group_zones = $nt->send_request(
action => "get_group_zones",
nt_user_session => $nt_user->{'nt_user_session'},
nt_group_id => $nt_user->{'nt_group_id'},
limit => "10",
quick_search => '1',
search_value => $zone,
- ->{'nt_zone_id'}) {
my $nt_zone = $nt->send_request(
action => 'get_zone',
nt_user_session => $nt_user->{'nt_user_session'},
nt_zone_id => $nt_group_zones->{'zones'}-> - ->{'nt_zone_id'},
nt_group_id => $nt_user->{'nt_group_id'},
unless( $nt_zone->{'zone'} eq $zone ) {
print STDERR "Search Returned Zone: ".$nt_zone->{'name'}." but i was looking for ".$zone.", BUG!\n";
I'm basically searching for a zone so i can get it's nt_zone_id. The problem with quick search that i just found was that it is not doing a exact match. In the API documentation i dont see that option for quicksearch so i'm assuming i have to use the normal search. My problem is i dont understand how to use it. the N_ is confusing me, i'm sure it's simple and i'm just over looking it. Can somebody provide me a example of using the API search func to get the exact match of a zone so i can get it's id.
Never mind, figured it out my self, just added exact_match => '1' to my quicksearch..
boy what adding print Dumper($q) will show you when you put it in the main() sub of the nictool client