Ive wanted to try logmonster out, but after succesfull Installation, i get the following error on execution:
WARNING: Your report is stored in /tmp because /usr/ioengine/system_logs/apache/2005/01/26 is not writable!
*** a detailed copy of this report is saved in the file /tmp/Logmonster.txt ***
Log Monster 2.73 by Matt Simerson
get_dir_files: couldn't open /usr/ioengine/system_logs/apache/tmp/doms: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/ioengine/res/logmonster/logmonster.pl line 222
The Dir's
all exist and have chmod 777, besides that ive executet under root, so i cant figure out why it cant write to there.
Any Ideas, any one ?
Thanks for any help.