Possible bug with vqadmin install from port in 5.09

Started by ChrisHardie, January 14, 2008, 06:45:21 AM

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Hi.  I encountered what I think is a bug with the way toaster_setup.pl 5.09 handles the installation of vqadmin from ports.

In Setup.pm, the variables to be passed to the port use the fully qualified pathname either from the config file or hardcoded default values:

my $cgi  = $conf->{'toaster_cgi_bin'}   || "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin";
my $data = $conf->{'toaster_http_docs'} || "/usr/local/www/data";

but in the Makefile for the FreeBSD port, those values are appended to the install directory prefix:

CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-cgibindir=${PREFIX}/${CGIBINDIR} \
                --enable-htmldir=${PREFIX}/${WEBDATADIR} \

and so the result is that the files are installed into an incorrect directory; in my case, it was


instead of the expected


Can anyone confirm that this is a bug and not just a problem with how I've configured this toaster?



confirmed. Bug.

The ports infrastructure has been updated so my code needs to be as well.