Using the API

Started by ddorsch, September 17, 2007, 06:34:43 AM

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Hello everybody,

I've done a little script that delegates the records which belong to a customer's net from the reverse zone to the customer. So far, everything works fine, but I have 2 issues:

- I need to find the Group ID of the Customer and used get_group_subgroups for this (quick_search => 1,
exact_match => 1,search_value => $kuerz, include_subgroups => 1). Starting Group is 1, Nictool.
This doesn't find any Groups below the direct subgroups. If there's a subgroup beyond a subgroup or deeper with the given name, it will not be found. So either get_group_subgroups is not the appropriate function to obtain the Group ID, or this is not the correct behaviour. Can someone help me out?

- When records are deleted, the permissions given to them are not deleted from nt_perm. This alone causes no harm since the records are deleted; but the customer continues to have the zone in his zonelist - empty, and he hasn't the right to put in new records. This may be quite disturbing.




in general I find that quick_search doesn't typically do what I want or expect. So I don't use it and instead define precise searches.