What is clientConfiguration-103.plist.signed ?

Started by chphilli, July 05, 2006, 12:34:10 AM

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So I've gone through a few iterations of:

1. Notice some file not found in Apache logs
2. Add directories until an actual file is requested
3. Create a script that returns the same contents as the real mac.com request

Now, whenever I attempt to login a new user, I get a request for the following file:

But when I attempt to get that from the real www.mac.com, all I get is a 404 Not Found response.

Any ideas as to what this file is and/or how I can get around this?


the error you get is probably right, because you might have both virtual hosts www.mac.com and configuration.apple.com pointing to the same directory (/home/idisk/www.mac.com)
try getting your plists from (the real) configuration.apple.com
resolving these issues is easier when logging hostnames with apache httpd


Ah - that did it, thanks!

Just in case anyone else is as clueless about the apache config as I am, here's what I did to show what was said above:

Above any of the virtual host configurations:

UseCanonicalName Off
LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" virtuallogging

Then use the name "virtuallogging" after any of your CustomLog entries to use that format for the log entry.

Thanks for the advice!


Quote from: chphilli on July 06, 2006, 09:33:09 PM
Ah - that did it, thanks!

Just in case anyone else is as clueless about the apache config as I am, here's what I did to show what was said above:

LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" virtuallogging

Then use the name "virtuallogging" after any of your CustomLog entries to use that format for the log entry.

Instead, I would recommend putting the %v at the end of the LogFormat string, so you don't mess up your logs in a way that log file processors will dislike you for.  Read the Logmonster FAQ on my site for more details of a better way to set up your logs.