Stuck with no working .Mac... and out of ideas

Started by raahh, December 17, 2005, 09:51:05 PM

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I've been fooling around trying to get a fake. Mac server and (3) working for quite a while and haven't had much luck.  Actually this post was originally about how the .Mac prefpane was looking for and ion/1/clientConfiguration.plist, but I quickly realized that I just needed to get these files from their real URL and I was all set.  I put them in their places but yet I still can't get anything to work.  I get no errors in my log files or anything that looks suspcious, so I'm officially stumped.  
I'm pretty sure my Apache config is fine... I have pointing to /home/ and all the scripts are in the right place, and I have at /home/idisk/html and my webdav idisk works perfect (as in, the computer recognizes it as a real apple idisk).  So now I'm completely out of ideas... I have absolutely nothing to go on at all.  I know I'm not leaving much for anybody to go on either, but can anyone out there offer some advice? My suspicion is that .Mac prefpane and Backup are getting the files they need but might be choking on them or something.  Is there a way I can look further into this?


Sounds like you don't have your secure servers configured properly;
www as well as should be configured on your server (for https access) as well as your clients (trusted certificates in your keychain(s))