The file has a sub called files_diff which looks to do the md5 checksums of "data" and "data.orig" to determine if it should rsync the data. When this is run the first time for a new nameserver, it fails with the error:
No filehandle passed at /usr/local/sbin/ line 528.
This seems to be because "data.orig" doesn't exist yet - it only just exported "data" from the database. When this fails, no rsync is performed to the remote nameserver. The next time that is run, data is renamed to data.orig and the files are diffed again with no changes, and the rsync is still not performed:
[02:59 AM] 74 [/service/nictool-a-ns-web-client]:dns-1% envdir ./env /usr/local/sbin/ -nsid 36 -r -md5 -force -buildcdb
building data.cdb for build_data: 0 build_cdb: 0 rsync_cdb: 0
Thus, for a new nameserver, no data is written out until the actual DNS information changes.
To work around this I added a line to files_diff that checks to make sure the file it's about to MD5 exists, returning -1 if it doesn't find it. The result is a successful initial rsync:
[03:06 AM] 83 [/service/nictool-a-ns-web-client]:dns-1% envdir ./env /usr/local/sbin/ -nsid 36 -r -md5 -force -buildcdb
building data.cdb for
Checksums differ: doing rsync
rsync try #0 ..
/usr/bin/rsync -az -e ssh data.cdb tinydns@x.x.x.x:/etc/tinydns/root/data.cdb
rsync: finished build_data: 0 build_cdb: 1 rsync_cdb: 0
Here's the patch:
diff -u
--- 2009-09-15 03:07:42.000000000 -0400
+++ 2009-09-15 03:07:25.000000000 -0400
@@ -515,6 +515,7 @@
return -1 unless scalar @files eq 2;
my @md5sums;
foreach my $f (@files) {
+ return -1 unless ( -f $f );
my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
my $sum;
if ( -f "$f.md5" ) {
patch applied in subversion.