After I install the mail::toaster system, everything seems to be working fine except for RRDutil.
The directories are writable as they should be and /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/rrdutil.cgi -a update
does not produce any errors but when the .png files display there is no data or graphing in them.
Any ideas?
My guess is something with snmpd.
Check your /usr/local/etc/rrdutil.conf to make it it seems sane. I also had to up the snmp_timeout to 15 as I was getting gaps under load.
Check a 'whereis snmpd' and make sure its installed (mines at /usr/local/sbin/snmpd).
Check a "ps -ax | grep snmp" to mkae sure its currently running. It should come back with something like:
246 ?? I 74:23.07 /usr/local/sbin/snmpd -p /var/run/snmpd.pid
84735 p1 S+ 0:00.00 grep snmp
If snmpd is running and youre still not getting anything check your mail. rrdutil.cgi might email you if something isnt working check for
UpdateMailSNMP: ERROR: No response from remote host 'localhost'.
or similar.
Other than that Im not too sure.
Yes, its running.
And no error output.
HAve you checked the OIDs to make sure they have valid data? Might as well eliminate the SNMPD portion of the problem.
with snmpwalk?
not sure how.
Yes, test with snmpwalk. RTFM: "man snmpwalk"