Patches to qmail-smtpd. We block invalid users (based on chkuser patch), address blocking lists: badmailfrom, badrcptto, qregex, and other patches depending on what version of Mail::Toaster you are using. The latest version of Mail::Toaster includes the following patches:
There are seperate pages detailing the chkuser and SPF patches. Qregex To implement the qregex patches, read the following:
Here's a couple good ideas for using qregex:
Read the man pages for more details. Spam Throttle: If you are interested in implementing spam throttle, read the following man pages:
If you just want some reasonable defaults, do this:
Qmail-tap Qmail-tap allows you to archive emails sent through your email system. Read all about qmail-tap on the inter7 web site. To use qmail-tap with Mail::Toaster, you need to manually apply the patch to netqmail and re-install netqmail. There is a customized version of the qmail-tap patch in the contrib directory that will apply cleanly. It's normally as easy as getting into the netqmail build directory (/usr/local/src/mail/netqmail-x.xx/netqmail-x.xx, applying the patch (patch < path/to/qmail-tap.patch), and running "make setup".
Last modified on 5/26/05. |