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interland home : internet : dns : interland : intro overview

Introduction to

Interland DNS Architecture


The purpose of this document is to give the detailed design specifications to the NicTool Server builds. It will detail the Hardware specifications, Server Provisioning, Server configuration, and the scripts used to complete the server setup.


Thanks, to Dajaba for writing NicTool and saving many hours of writing something for our own db store for DNS data.


  • http://matt.simerson.net/computing/dns
  • http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html
  • http://www.djbdns.org/
  • http://www.dajoba.com/
  • http://www.lifewithdjbdns.org/

How we chose our DNS server platform.

A Great Debate arose over which was The Greatest Platform from which to deploy our new Enterprise DNS architecture. Several UNIX engineers from far and wide within HostPro gathered to champion their favorite OS as The One Great Platform. The great Oracle (Project Manager) stepped in before blood was shed and suggested we build three test systems and compare the performance of each.

The Oracles words were heeded and each Holy Platform Warrior scurried about to gather from hence the greatest of hardware to compete in The Final Showdown. After the dust settled, a $10k Intel based system running FreeBSD solidly trounced the $150k UltraSparc. The Linux Holy Warrior failed to produce a worthy contender and was thus banished from the sacred competition.

Last modified on 4/25/05.