Deprecated: strripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /usr/local/www/squirrelcart/squirrelcart/functions/util/sc_browser_info.func.php on line 84

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/www/squirrelcart/squirrelcart/functions/util/sc_browser_info.func.php:84) in /usr/local/www/squirrelcart/squirrelcart/functions/base/sc_cookie.func.php on line 31
The Network People - Online Store | The Network People, Inc.

Mail Toaster

Mail Toaster is a free framework that integrates a collection of open-source software into a full-featured mail server running on FreeBSD. There is a community of toaster owners who participate in the web forums and the GitHub project.


NicTool is a free DNS management suite that takes the pain out of managing DNS. NicTool includes an attractive web interface for users, admins, and clients to access and update DNS data. NicTool also includes an API for provisioning systems and scripts. DNS data is stored in SQL and extracted by export scripts to the DNS server of choice (tinydns, BIND, PowerDNS, and NSD).

DNS updates are parsed for validity before acceptance. All changes are logged, making it easy to determine who changed what and when. Zones and/or records can be delegated to users or group of users. Others can be granted permission to publish to your DNS servers, but not edit them.

NicTool works great for managing one zone or a million zones. Learn more on the NicTool Web Site.